Monday, March 26, 2007

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Easter


Many of today's youth did not grow up with an Easter tradition beside hunting for eggs. That means that Easter works great for adults, but not so great for youth ministry.


Unchurched teens don't do too well at sunrise services. They don't understand the the emblems or symbols or resurrection sermon.


So what can we do to reach teens at Easter?


One option would be to host a "Night of the Living Dead!" If that sounds too over the top, "What's a Bunny Got to Do with Easter?" Have the event prior to Easter and share the basics of the faith. Share what they will see at your church and the meaning behind it. Sing some of the same songs that will be sung at the Easter service and explain what they mean.


Several of things will happen...


1. Teens will get to hear and understand the good news of Jesus.  Some may accept him at the event.


2. Those who decide to come to a service will actually know and understand what is going on.


3. Many of your teens are wondering what certain aspects of service are about and this will help them as well.

Your Partners in Ministry,

Paul & Al


P.S. Pass this issue of the Monday MAXimizer along to 3 youth ministry friends.


P.P.S. Zone members don't over look the over 800 youth ministry training articles we have to equip you and your teens



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Lesson of the Week: Romans Lesson 8: Alive!



Youth Ministry Zone 3rd Year! (Mar 21, 2007 at 12:15 PM) - Teen Life Ministries "It's a Passion – Not a Game"     It's hard to believe, but The Youth Ministry Zone has been serving youth ministers for almost 3 years! April will be our 3rd anniversary!!!  

Directors Cut (Mar 23, 2007 at 11:01 AM) - For teen listening. Short MP3 about what to cut out of out lives.   Members Download Here

A Logo for Life (Mar 23, 2007 at 10:19 AM) - A LOGO FOR LIFE    OPEN:  What is your favorite logo, or if you feel like being negative, what is your least favorite logo?  Why?

Reaching Teens for Jesus (Mar 23, 2007 at 9:44 AM) - At Teen Life Ministries we are constantly being asked how to reach teens for Christ. Youth workers are looking for new and improved ideas for outreach programs. We want to share with you a few techniques that we think will help.

10 Difficulties of Being a Teen in a Single Parent Family (Mar 21, 2007 at 2:45 PM) - If your youth ministry is like most, and I'm sure it is, then you have teens who are in single parent homes. We need to try to understand what they are going through and how we can help them handle it. Listed below are a few things that will help us along the way of understanding their view point.



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