1. Learn To Listen Attentively.
It has often been said that God gave us one mouth and two ears so we could listen twice as much as we talk. The Lord puts it like this, “Be slow to speak and quick to listen.”
Before you say, "Now you listen to me, young lady," hear your teen's side of the story. Let him or her have a complete say so you can speak clearly and respond to the details appropriately.
2. Be Consistent.
Consistency in communication patterns will help open the gate to your teen's heart. If we scream one time, and are pleasant the next, they won't know what to expect. That type of temperament will drive a teen to silence.
If you struggle with consistency, chart your communication pattern. On a sheet of graph paper place the #1 on a low line and the #10 on a high line. "1" = calm. "10" = volcanic. Keep a record for three months then evaluate and make any needed corrections.
3. Remove Distractions.
Close the book, turn off the television, fold up the newspaper and take care of any other distraction so you can give full attention to your teen. When we refuse to focus on the conversation our children perceive us as uninterested. Once we establish that thought in their minds it will be difficult to change the attitude.
Make it obvious that you want to listen. Say, "Hold on a minute honey. Let me turn off the radio, I don't want to miss a word."
(Feel free to reprint the above and send it to the parents of the teens in your group.)
Zone Members: All 10 "Family Communication Tips"
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Paul & Al
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