Life in the Spirit: Joy
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What is the difference between joy and happiness?
Personal definition of Joy: Joy is a smile on your soul.
Happiness is when your circumstances bring a smile.
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1. Legalism. Galatians 4:15
What happened to the Galatians joy? Why did their servant attitude disappear? (Legalism always makes you want to do the least - to do only what is required. Grace, on the other hand, takes the law out of the way and lets us serve without restriction.)
2. Sin. Romans 3:23
How does sin rob us of our joy? (Guilt, bitterness, insecurity.) Have a time of prayer in class where teens can ask God silently for forgiveness of specific sins.
An awesome aspect about God is that He wants us to have joy.
1. The Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17
Because joy is a fruit of the Spirit, it only makes since that he wants us to be filled with joy. How does the Holy Spirit put joy in our lives?
2. The Father. Romans 15:13
It gives God joy to give us joy. Have you ever thought of God as someone who is out to get you? Someone who can't wait for you to make a wrong move? Where do we get that idea? As a child of God what are some ways he has put joy in your life?
3. The Son. John 16:22-24
Jesus said that the disciples would weep, but then they would have joy? Why? Why does Jesus say NOTHING will be able to take our joy away? Since joy is not based on circumstances, what are some unalterable aspects of our life in Christ?
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Sing "The Joy of the Lord."
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