Thursday, April 19, 2007

Youth Ministry : Family Meetings

Feel free to copy, paste and send to the parents of your youth group...

1. Choose A Convenient Time.

Finding a time when the entire family can be together may take a combination of sacrifice and commitment. Even thirteen-year-olds seem to have a schedule that keeps them busy every hour of the day.

Ask each family member to turn in a schedule of their average week. Look it over and pinpoint the times when a majority of the household does not have conflicting events and plan to meet during one of those times.

2. Set A Maximum Meeting Length.

Make the meetings short and precise. If discussion carries the meeting over the prescribed time that's fine, but covering a list of unimportant material will only make further meetings dreaded.

Cover everything that touches each family member early in the meeting. If your allotted time is one hour, save anything that would not specifically include the children until last and let them leave after the set time.

3. Cover The Meeting With Prayer.

Philippians 4:6 says, "Worry about nothing, pray about everything." Begin and close every time together by talking to the Father. Take prayer requests and mention each individual during the prayer time.

Rely on spontaneous prayer during the meeting. If a family member mentions a problem or shares a need, stop and pray.

ZONE MEMBERS: Get all 10 Tips for Family Meetings to pass along to parents.

Your Partners in Ministry,
Paul & Al

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