Monday, April 9, 2007

Youth Ministry Easter Part 3

Youth Ministry Easter - Part 3


We hope you had a GREAT Easter!


Often we work hard getting ready. Making sure we have the perfect lesson. Trying to guarantee a good impression.


But now the REAL work begins. It's time to follow-up with the guests.


Take the time this week to do one of the following...


1. Call. Make a brief phone call to guests to thank them for attending and to see if they have any questions. (Be careful with this one because parents can be sensitive about an unknown religious person calling their child.)


2. Card. Send a thank you note. Nothing more. You do not have to use any heavy "conversion" techniques. Just an honest thank you is fine.


More important than what you do is what your group does. They need to be making the phone calls. They need to be sending cards. They need to be emailing, chatting and texting. They need to make the next invitation.


There are those teens who need an "adult figure" in their life, but MOST need peer influences. Your role as youth leader is not to do the teens' work for them, but to train them. Starting next week we will begin a series called P.E.E.R.  A.R.M.Y.  Hopefully, these brief lessons will help you turn your teens into an evangelistic force.


Your Partners in Ministry,

Paul & Al


P.S. Pass this issue of the Monday MAXimizer along to 3 youth ministry friends.


P.S.S. Zone members. Don't forget to download Discipleship 101 to use in your group.



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Lesson of the Week: Romans Lesson 11: The Debt to Love



Value (Apr 6, 2007 at 6:39 AM) - How do you measure value? Start by thinking about material things you have. Maybe the value is in the cost of the item; perhaps the item has sentimental value to you but would be worthless to someone else; we also place value based on our favor toward the item.

Teaching Tip (Apr 4, 2007 at 5:09 AM) - Your students badly need to know that you care about them.


Blogger Set Up (Mar 31, 2007 at 4:50 AM) - How to set up a blog, use it's tools, and make posts via email.



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