Thursday, April 12, 2007

Youth Ministry Teen Quiet Time

Youth Ministry Teen Quiet Time

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It was one of those nights; you just wanted to chill and watch TV or play your video games. You might even want to spend time loading your ipod with your favorite tunes. Whatever the case, you didn't get your homework done and time is running out before the next semester's grades find there way to your parents. You get to school a little earlier the next day and someone lets you copy their homework. Man, you are relieved. When you hand your work in, your teacher says, "This is great, did you do this by yourself?" What do you do now? How do you answer that question and still be pleasing to God?

1. Have you ever been in a situation similar to the one above?

2. What did you do?

3. What should you have done?

4. What was the final outcome between you and God?

Proverbs 12:22 says, "The Lord hates those who tell lies but is pleased with those who keep their promises."

Ephesians 4:25; John 8:44; Proverbs 19:9; Psalms 34:11-14.



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