Teen Life Ministries.
01 :: Summer H.E.A.T.
02 :: Summer Shorcut
02 :: Zone Updates
Summer H.E.A.T.
It’s funny how summer “break” catapults youth ministry activity. From the time the last school bell of the year rings, until it begins again we have a massive opportunity.
Here’s how to beat the Summer HEAT…
H – Heart. Give your best. Work at your ministry with all your heart. It’s part of our calling. Of course most importantly is to love the Lord with all our heart, soul mind and strength.
E – Encouragement. Give extra attention to the group as a whole. Even if you’re working full time, bock extra time for focused attention.
A – Activities. Design the calendar around purpose. Have a mix of service, study and fun.
T – Thanksgiving. Throughout the summer keep a journal. Write down everything you are thankful for along the way. Encourage your group to do the same. Before school starts back have a special event and share the thanksgiving memories.
Summer givers us longer days to be with the teens. They have more time and if we guard ours, we’ll have more time for them.
Paul and Al
02 :: Summer Shortcuts
The ZONE from Teen Life has been called the “Ultimate Youth Ministry Shortcut.” Here’s how the Zone can help you this Summer…
Class – since you need more time with the teens. Select your lesson from the Zone a week early. Block time for review and customizing for your group. http://tinyurl.com/27tlkd
Devotionals – Head to the devotional section and print out a few to have in your bible. As the day closes out on your trips or adventures, you’ll have some thoughts handy that will involve the group. http://tinyurl.com/6s7yag
Email quiet times – Unfortunately all the teens will not be involved. You can email quiet times to the group and include them. http://tinyurl.com/23es49
Personal Growth – Don’t overlook yourself. Make sure once a month you block out time for a “Dawn Till Dusk” personal reflection retreat. http://tinyurl.com/2faxo9
Games – if you find yourself with some extra time this summer – which may not be possible – grab a quick game for the group. http://tinyurl.com/6yyns9
Forms – lost your medical release forms or trips checklists? No problem. http://tinyurl.com/2zzkbn
Movie night – Don’t just watch a movie. Have a discussion based on it. Here are some movie matching discussion guides. http://tinyurl.com/2a6b2t
The Word – Get your teens in the Word. Copy, paste and email the daily Bible reading schedule to your group once a month. http://tinyurl.com/5jxnky
Whew! That’s the short list. There are a TON more shortcuts for your ministry in The Zone… So USE them!
(If you are not a member. http://www.teenlifeministries.com/thezone/ )
03 :: Zone Updates
You must be logged in to your ZONE account to view/download the following…
Links to all the updates are available directly from the homepage:
Active Waiting - One discipline of the spiritual life to which many of us find it most difficult to submit is that of waiting…1 Timothy Lesson 8 - Do you have what it takes to be rich? Zone members click here to download this week's bible lesson with outline, powerpoint, handout and discussion guide. 3 Ice Breakers - Around the World The leader begins by saying the name of any country, city, river, ocean or mountain that can be… Youth Ministry Tip of the Week ) - Youth ministry tip of the week. Simple guidelines for discipleship.
"I have noticed a huge difference in our group since joining The Zone. They talk about how they love the classes, the handouts, and the PowerPoint. Because of the training I'm getting I understand the teens better and have been able to reach out to them more effectively. Thanks for the great work. Keep it up!"
Member 4 Life,
John Amos
Florida Youth Minister
Check out the Zone: http://www.teenlifeministries.com/thezone/
Have a BLESSED day!
Paul and Al