Monday, June 11, 2007

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry - P.E.E.R. A.R.M.Y.


This week we continue the P.E.E.R.  A.R.M.Y.  series. Hopefully, these brief lessons will help you turn your teens into an evangelistic force. We often talk about peer pressure, but now we're talking about using peers for a positive purpose.


P = Personal Faith

E = Equipping

E = Evangelism

R = Relationships


A = Advance

R = Report

M = Mission


The "Y" stands for...




I'm a week late with the newsletter because I just got back from visiting some mission works in Russia and Turkey. The work in Russia uses a different approach than in the United States. The work in Turkey is different than Russia.


The missionaries understand the culture and the people. They understand Paul's concept of... "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some." 1 Cor. 9:22.


Too often we try to adopt a specific evangelistic format and make it fit. Instead think about each person as an individual. See the "Younique" aspects.


Each person is different. They have different...


1. Backgrounds.

2. Dreams.

3. Needs.


You can only "become all things to all men" when people are viewed individually.


Jesus did heal the lame of blindness. He met the specific need.


Encourage your group to see each person as YOUnique.


Your Partners in Ministry,

Paul & Al


Sign up for The Zone before summer!


P.S. Pass this issue of the Monday MAXimizer along to 3 youth ministry friends.


P.S.S. For previous issues:



This Week's Updates for Zone Members

Members: Login to your account for access to this week's updates.


Book of Ruth, lesson 4.


Someone Needs This Prayer (Jun 8, 2007 at 5:23 AM) - There are several prayers offered on behalf of the saints throughout the New Testament. I am learning to adopt these prayers as my own in praying for myself as well as for others.

Teaching Tip (Jun 6, 2007 at 7:01 AM) - Teaching is about what students do with what you taught.

Scared to Death (Jun 1, 2007 at 5:05 AM) - When I was in middle and junior high school I was scared to death of drugs. I was scared when I heard older kids talking about them or even when I saw someone using them on television or in a movie.

Family (May 30, 2007 at 5:03 AM) - When you think about your family, what things immediately come to mind? Maybe you think of family meals, or your sibling that drives you crazy, or maybe you think about a great vacation you've been on recently.


Resource Highlight


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