1. A variety of versions. Get the clearest meaning of a passage through the use of different versions. KJV, NIV, the Message; it's your choice, just don't limit yourself to a paraphrase. A translation (KJV, NIV) was written from the original language of the text and consists of numerous translators. A paraphrase is based on an existing version and is usually one man's interpretation of that version using modern terms.
2. Concordances. Strong's Concordances links words and topics to the King James version of the Bible. Other concordances are available for other versions.
Concordances give you every location of a word in the Word. Want to know every verse that contains the word miracle? Look it up in a concordance. It will give you the phrase of the verse and the reference. Most Bibles have a limited concordance in the back, but if you are interested in getting serious about Bible study, then purchase a full concordance.
3. Dictionaries. Several dictionaries can be helpful in study. A general one that is almost encyclopedic will give you not only definitions of words, but also the history and background of the word.
Hebrew and Greek dictionaries allow you to discover the original meaning of a text for yourself. If you are not a language scholar you will need a Hebrew Old Testament, and a Greek New Testament that provide the original word under the English word with it's corresponding linking number to look it up. Your Partners in Ministry, Paul & Al
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