We're starting a new study on the book of Romans today in The Youth Ministry Zone.
Here's a brief overview...
Look at that list. Righteousness. Being made right by God and living in his power. What can we do to make our group more righteous? How can we encourage them to live with more righteousness?
Paul wrote, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.."
That's a righteous stand! Let's stand unashamed of the Gospel! Your Partners in Ministry, Paul & Al
P.S. It turns out that the Zone is being talked about! Click here to see what's being said.
P.S.S. NOW is the time to sign up for the ZONE if you are not a member. Not a Member of The Zone? Get the details here
Members: Login to your account for access to this week's updates. http://www.teenlifeministries.com
Lesson of the Week: Romans Lesson 1 : The Decline
Download all 4 lessons from the Godly Goals Series:
How Tall Are You? (Jan 26, 2007 at 1:56 PM) - It is easy for you to determine how tall you are physically but how tall are you spiritually? Sudden Impact is designed for you to copy, paste and e-mail to your students.
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Monday, January 29, 2007
Youth Ministry on Monday
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Youth Ministry Thursday
1. For the Sake of the Call. Moses stood at a burning bush. Abraham set out for an undetermined destination. Jacob wrestled with God. And you corral an unruly group of teenagers.
When God grabs your heart you can't release the grip even if you want to. God's selection process provides few venues of escape (just ask Jonah). Being called doesn't mean we won't ever want to forsake the mission. It proves that deep down we know we are doing exactly what God purposed us to do.
2. To Lead Teens to a Mature Faith. At the end of Hebrews 4, the writer ridicules the believers for failing to grow up spiritually. The Father wants His children to mature into adult walkers, not infant crawlers.
When teens enter college or join the work force, an immature faith will crumble under the pressures of life. By helping adolescents develop a firm faith in God through Bible study, prayer, accountability groups and other means before they leave the group, you aid their faithfulness through life.
3. To Solidify Family Relationships. Does anyone know what a nucleus family is anymore? The average youth group contains a host of steps. Step-moms and step-dads. Step-brothers and step-sisters. Few children, it seems, travel through life with the same set of parents.
Divorce claims some, and death claims others. Whatever family structure is in place in the lives of those in the group, our aim is to strengthen the existing relationships for the glory of God. Connect with every family and provide training, encouragement, and support regardless of the family background or battle ground.
Zone Members: Read the complete article of "10 Reasons to Stay in Youth Ministry" Your Partners in Ministry, Paul & Al
January is ALMOST over. Join the Zone now and pre-load your 2007 with resources and materials!
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Monday, January 22, 2007
Youth Ministry Monday
Teens are notorious for cliques. Accepting one group, while keeping another group out. The problem can seep into our youth groups as well. How to we prevent it, or heal it?
1. Review the "one another" commands:
2. Examine the Group.
Based on those commands, let the group decide how well they are doing.
3. Expect a change.
If your group decides they are not doing too well in this area, then create some expectations. Simply saying, "Let's work on this" won't work. Lay out some actions to take - like making calls outside their circle of friends. Your Partners in Ministry, Paul & Al
P.S. NOW is the time to sign up for the ZONE if you are not a member. Not a Member of The Zone? Get the details here
Members: Login to your account for access to this week's updates. http://www.teenlifeministries.com
Godly Goals for the New Year - Luke 2:52 Lesson 4: Growing in Favor with Man
Belong to a Family (Jan 21, 2007 at 4:24 PM) - When have you experienced "crowded loneliness"? A time when you were surrounded by people, but felt friendless. What was it like?
Book your personal/group travel online www.5TalentsTravel.com
If you or your group travels extensively, consider becoming a referring agent. www.5TalentsBiz.com
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
Tools for Bible Study
1. A variety of versions. Get the clearest meaning of a passage through the use of different versions. KJV, NIV, the Message; it's your choice, just don't limit yourself to a paraphrase. A translation (KJV, NIV) was written from the original language of the text and consists of numerous translators. A paraphrase is based on an existing version and is usually one man's interpretation of that version using modern terms.
2. Concordances. Strong's Concordances links words and topics to the King James version of the Bible. Other concordances are available for other versions.
Concordances give you every location of a word in the Word. Want to know every verse that contains the word miracle? Look it up in a concordance. It will give you the phrase of the verse and the reference. Most Bibles have a limited concordance in the back, but if you are interested in getting serious about Bible study, then purchase a full concordance.
3. Dictionaries. Several dictionaries can be helpful in study. A general one that is almost encyclopedic will give you not only definitions of words, but also the history and background of the word.
Hebrew and Greek dictionaries allow you to discover the original meaning of a text for yourself. If you are not a language scholar you will need a Hebrew Old Testament, and a Greek New Testament that provide the original word under the English word with it's corresponding linking number to look it up. Your Partners in Ministry, Paul & Al
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Monday Youth Ministry
Today is the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. A holiday to many in the states.
MLK's "I have a Dream" speech remains on of the greatest in history. It swelled the hearts of listeners with hope. It created a picture of possibility. The speech is only 17 minutes and you can listen to it here: http://tinyurl.com/ylz2mk
The speech will make you and me want to dream as well. Not idle, impossible dreams. Dreams of what could and should happen. Dreams that can take place in our youth groups and churches.
Proverbs 29:18
We NEED dreams. When our teens have something AHEAD of them to keep their vision clear they use their energy to pursue the dream rather than the typical unholy activities.
What are the dreams of your group?
What are you longing for?
What are you striving for? Your Partners in Ministry, Paul & Al
P.S. NOW is the time to sign up for the ZONE if you are not a member. Not a Member of The Zone? Get the details here
Members: Login to your account for access to this week's updates. http://www.teenlifeministries.com
Godly Goals for the New Year - Luke 2:52 Lesson 3: Growing in Favor with God
God's Secrets - Chances are at some point in time someone has trusted you enough to tell you a major secret.
Excuses, Excuses - How many times have I uttered excuses to rationalize my behavior?
Book your personal/group travel online www.5TalentsTravel.com
If you or your group travels extensively, consider becoming a referring agent. www.5TalentsBiz.com
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
Youth Ministry Thursday
This is our new Quick Tips, which will be coming to you on Thursdays. The Monday MAXimizer will continue as usual, this is a boost for later in the week! 1. Be thankful. "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus," I Thessalonians 5:18. Live with a thankful spirit. Get out a sheet of paper, or use the left margin, and list ten things you are thankful for at this moment. When you complete the list, pray and thank God specifically for each item.
The challenge made by the Holy Spirit in this verse is that our circumstances should not dictate our thankfulness. Since all things work together for good for those who love the Lord (Romans 8:28), blessings and curses ought to cause thanksgiving.
2. Lose sight of self. "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or ill conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself. Each of you should look not only on your own interests, but also the interests of others," Philippians 2:3-4. If you are like me, you would rather have your way than not have it. Satan envelops our hearts with selfishness and if we don't get what we want we get bitter, which is the opposite of joy.
To keep a spirit of joy surrounding you, find ways to make another person's day. Leave encouraging notes around the office. Volunteer your time to help people who are not as blessed. When we lose sight of self and place it on others, we place our eyes on God at the same time.
3. Give. "Just as you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us - see that you also excel in this grace of giving," II Corinthians 8:7. Giving may mean time or money or both.
Jesus made it clear; there is more blessing, more joy, in giving than receiving (Acts 20:35).
Your Partners in Ministry, Paul & Al
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
Youth Ministry Monday
If you want to download the PDF and the MP3 that goes with it then visit... Also, we would love for you to post your ideas for staying focused and on fire. Just post them at the bottom of the page at the link above. Happy New Year!!! Your Partners in Ministry, Paul & Al
P.S. NOW is the time to sign up for the ZONE if you are not a member. Lock and load your year's work of material and training right now! Read more about the ZONE...
Join now and lock in your rate before they go up in February.
Members: Login to your account for access to this week's updates. http://www.teenlifeministries.com
Godly Goals for the New Year - Luke 2:52 Lesson 1: Growing in Wisdom
January 2006 was a huge sign up month. This is a reminder that all subscriptions are recurring. If you joined in January for one year, your membership will automatically renew on the same date.
Current ZONE Members, your rate is locked. We will adjust the membership rates in February, but you are locked in for as long as you remain a member. We have an exciting 2007 planned here at Teen Life including a couple of software releases that will bless your ministry.
In February, we will be releasing an Audio Software tool to enable you to record audio, add a background music track, and create an MP3 with flash audio buttons for play online. You can also email the MP3 or let your group download it.
Book your personal/group travel online www.5TalentsTravel.com
If you or your group travels extensively, consider becoming a referring agent. www.5TalentsBiz.com
Not a Member of The Zone? Get the details here