Monday, October 22, 2007

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Teaching Tips


 For more teaching tips go to You can pick up "Amazing Teaching" in the Zone as well.


Never teach a half-prepared lesson. It's not fair to the teens, God or yourself to go into a teaching situation unprepared. Some people are really good at pulling a thought out of their heads and making a great lesson out of it. However, most are not and should not try to be. That doesn't mean you are not a good teacher it simply means you have to prepare more. We've all seen really creative people come up with great lessons and great illustrations. However, they may not be the best presenters. We've seen those who are great presenters but are not very creative at coming up with lesson ideas. Bottom line, let's do the very best we can with the teaching gifts God has given us.
Verse on preparation: "Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever." Daniel 12:3
Ask God to give you the tools you need to become a great teacher. Ask Him for patience and the understanding of what you study.
What are you doing each day to prepare your next lesson?
Do you wait until Saturday night to prepare?
Read over your lesson for next Sunday on Monday. You will be surprised at how many ideas you will come up with during the week.
Ask a person in their 70's or 80's to come in and talk to your teens. Encourage them to tell what they had to struggle with as a teen. Encourage your class to ask questions about the peer pressures they faced 40 or 50 years ago. Be creative and make this a great event.


Your Partners in Youth Ministry,

Paul & Al


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P.S. Pass this issue of the Youth Ministry MAXimizer along to 3 youth ministry friends.


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New Lesson series on Prayer. Lesson 6...


Tragedy in Our Youth Group (Oct 19, 2007 at 3:31 AM) - This morning between 3:30 and 4:00am the phones of our church members began ringing off the hooks. Not long after that, my phone rang and it was one of our high school coaches telling me that the mother of one of our sophomore boys was killed in a house fire.

Let's Get Practical (Oct 17, 2007 at 4:00 AM) - Today's D2 is one that is so practical that you might think I don't even need to deal with this. Just hang with us, it may be practical and seem elementary but the areas we will cover are areas that are needed in all youth ministries.

Quiet Time- "Stand" (Oct 12, 2007 at 1:01 PM) - During the season premier of "Survivor-China" each of the game contestants were taken to a Buddhist Temple to participate in a cultural ceremony to welcome them to China.  Before the ceremony they were assured that this was not a worship service and it wasn't intended to conflict with anyone's religious beliefs.  However, once inside the temple they were surrounded by statues of Buddha and parts of the ceremony required bowing down in front of this Chinese god as a way to show respect.  One of the contestants was an outspoken


Praise Preceding Deliverance (Oct 10, 2007 at 3:20 AM) - As I read through the Old Testament, sometimes I am stunned by the Israelites' lack of faith in trusting a God who delivered them time and time again.

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