Monday, May 21, 2007

Youth Ministry PEER ARMY

Youth Ministry - P.E.E.R. A.R.M.Y.


(Note to Zone members - a study of the book of Ruth begins today)


This week we continue the P.E.E.R.  A.R.M.Y.  series. Hopefully, these brief lessons will help you turn your teens into an evangelistic force. We often talk about peer pressure, but now we're talking about using peers for a positive purpose.


P = Personal Faith

E = Equipping

E = Evangelism

R = Relationships


A = Advance


The "R" stands for...




"The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught." Mark 6:30


Jesus didn't just allow the disciples to go and teach without giving feedback. They returned and gave up the details.


They shared...


1. What was done. Where they went. What happened. Encourage your teens to share when and where they shared the gospel. Give them time to tell the whole story. In our fast paced world we want the Cliff Notes so we can move on. Don't do it. Set aside a time for teens to get to take their time with their report.


2. What was taught. Get deeper than, "And then I told him about Jesus." Ask for the fine points. Ask about the verses shared and what questions were asked.


When teens give a report...


1. They gain godly confidence. Even if the attempt to share didn't go well, sharing the story lets them see that they can try again. It helps to tell the experience with supporting peers.


2. It helps others in the army. They hear of what went right and can learn from it. They hear about what went wrong and can offer suggestions or love.


3. A team is formed. Reporting let's everyone see that "we are in this together." Sharing the good news as a soloists can feel (and be) lonely. Regular reporting with build cohesiveness and strength in the group.


Your Partners in Ministry,

Paul & Al


Sign up for The Zone before summer!


P.S. Pass this issue of the Monday MAXimizer along to 3 youth ministry friends.


P.S.S. For previous issues:



This Week's Updates for Zone Members

Members: Login to your account for access to this week's updates.


New series begins today on the book of Ruth.


The Power of Prayer (May 18, 2007 at 10:27 AM) - Whenever your teacher at your church asks "What are some ways you praise God?" The answer "Prayer" always comes up. Prayer is one of the many ways we connect with God.

Fresh Start (May 16, 2007 at 12:25 PM) - Last night, I intended to spend much of the evening reading and studying my Bible. Instead, I spent much of it surfing the Internet, catching up on news stories and other people's blogs.



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