Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Youth Ministry

Teen Life Ministries

Youth Ministry MAXimizer


01 :: Godly Goals – Part 2

02 :: Zone Member Update

03 :: Christmas Projects?




01 :: Godly Goals – Part 2



4. Build a Christ-like attitude and spirit into the youth group. "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus," Philippians 2:5. This means more than just asking, "What would Jesus do?"  It calls for a clear-cut lifestyle of surrender.  What is the attitude of Jesus? 


· Attitude of  a Servant (v. 7)


· Attitude of Humility (v. 8)


· Attitude of Obedience (v. 8)


If every teen becomes a servant, how many things will get done?  If every teen becomes humble, how much arguing will take place? If every teen becomes obedient to God, how much better could the youth conventions be?  Of course, developing a Christ-like attitude in your group begins by displaying a Christ-like attitude in your life.


5. Develop quality leadership among the group. Jesus called His followers with, "Follow me."  By the end of His ministry He had trained them to lead. Paul even said, "Imitate me as I imitate Christ" (I Corinthians 11:1). Give your teens the responsibility and let them lead. Dust them off when they fall down and encourage them to keep going.


Here are a few ways you can let teens lead: Devotionals, teaching class, heading up a service project, forming prayer groups, etc.


6. Parental support and participation. Believe it or not, There are some in your congregation who see youth ministry as a divider of parents and their children.  Prevent this by creating a high level of parental involvement.


Have your parents teach for a quarter, host devotionals in their homes, chaperone trips, etc. Check out Group Publishing's 130 Ways to Involve Parents in Your Ministry for more great ideas.



Paul and Al


Forward this issue along to 3 youth ministry friends




02 :: Zone Member Updates



Lesser Known Heroes - Lesson 4  Uriah – What he didn't do.


Youth Ministry - Godly Goals - Part 1  1. Do whatever it takes to get teens to heaven. Paul wrote that he became all things to all people so that some might be saved (II Corinthians 9:19-23).


We All Need Somebody to Lean On I'm not a very good leaner. I prefer to be the lean-ee, the person that others lean on in times of crisis. 


2007 - So Far! As you know, The Zone is updated EVERY Monday, Wednesday and Friday.   Check out what has been added just this year through November!


Lesser Known Heroes Lesson 3 added today. Eleazar - he's really unknown, just ask your teens!!!     Members, download the lesson here.


Close Your Eyes When you close your eyes to rest, meditate, or go to sleep what do you think about? Do you ever think about God?


Dawn 'til Dusk As we close out 2007 we need to look back and see how we as youth workers and our ministries have grown spiritually. We will look at different areas of our lives and ministries and try to pinpoint our growth.



If you are not a member of the zone: http://www.TeenLifeMinistries.com/thezone for details.



03 :: Christmas Projects?



What is your group doing this Christmas when it comes to service projects? If you would like to share your ideas with other youth ministers, just send an email to pevans@teenlifeministries.com with "This Christmas" in the subject line. I will compile the ideas and send them out in an email next Monday. So get yours in now!


Have a BLESSED day!

Paul and Al

