Thursday, November 22, 2007

Youth Ministry Thanksgiving

Dear Youth Workers,
Paul and I have so much to be thankful for that it's really hard to know where to begin. We are thankful for our wives, Connie and Marla, who have been tremendous encouragers as we trek through our youth ministry years. We are thankful for our children. Paul has two sons, Sam and Steven. I have one son Lee and his wife Selena and they have my two grandchildren Shealey and Nellie. I have one daughter Joy and her husband Jammie and they have a little one on the way.
We are so thankful that we have been blessed with good health and material blessings. We are thankful that we minister for a church who reaches out to people with all kinds of life's struggles. We are thankful that God has blessed us with a few spiritual gifts with which we try to use to serve Him.
We are thankful that we live in a country where we can worship without fear of being arrested and imprisoned for being a believer.
We are so thankful for Teen Life Ministries and for the many youth workers who have impacted our lives. Thank you so much for your dedication to His cause and for your willingness to reach teens when others give up. Thank you for the many sleepless hours you spend playing games, going on retreats, teaching Bible classes and just hanging out with a group of young people whom often feel as if they are in no-man's land.
We are thankful that we serve a God who is totally consumed with love for us and a Father who listens when we talk to Him. Everyday we "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." Psalm 107:1. We are so thankful that we serve a God who was willing to give His Son to die on a cross so that we can live eternally with Him.
We could write page after page of the things we are thankful for and it would take us hours or even days to get it done. So, what can we do or say to God for all He has showered us with. I think a simple "thank you" is what He wants.
We love and appreciate each of you and pray for you daily.
Keep Praying,
P.S.  A remarkable phone call from a 12-yr old boy to Houston radio station KSBJ FM 89.3. So profound, the station has it  posted on their website. Click below to listen to it. It's short.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Youth Ministry

Teen Life Youth Ministry MAXimizer


01 ::  New Lesson Series: Lesser Known Heroes

02 :: Tips for Promotions

03 :: YouthTube

04 :: Zone Member Updates

05 :: Youth Ministry Saturday Night


06 :: China Update




01 :: New Lesson Series



This week we begin a new lesson series on "Lesser Known Heroes of the Bible." We're using a similar background and title design as the popular television series "Heroes."


Zone members go here to download the first lesson:



02 :: Tips for Promotions


Here are 3 quick ways to promote your events…


1. Shoot a Video. Let's say you need to promote an upcoming mission trip to Guatemala. Video tape a series of adventures using a couple of the teens as the missionaries. Part 1 could be "Pete and Re-Pete: Jungle Vines." Part 2 could be "Pete and Re-Pete in the Hot Seat." Because they are watching their peers it won't take much to make the videos funny and the scripts can be minimal. A four part series, four weeks out from sign up will work wonders.


2. Enormous Banners. Run a banner the length of your room and no one will be able to miss it. They can be made out of butcher paper, cloth, or if you have the money you can get them designed by a company. The last option is by far the most expensive and the most professional. Choose this option if you have the same event each year and you could reuse the banner time and time again. Otherwise a sheet of butcher paper, markers, and paint can't be beat.


3. Count Down Clock. Set the clock in a visible area of your youth room and constantly refer to it as the event nears. These large digital clocks can be used for all events, but using it for one big event a year might be best.



Paul and Al


-Pass this along to 3 of your youth ministry friends.



03 :: YouthTube



Here's the first Youth Group Youth Group Video sent in from KoKomo Youth Group…


Has your group got some YouTube videos? Send them to with "YouthTube" in the subject line.



04 :: ZONE Member Update


The complete lesson series for Ruth, Esther, and Powerful Prayer are available in the resources download area…


The new lesson of the week is in the usual location.


New Articles and Games (Zone members you will need to be logged in to read or download the following)…


Food for Families Does your Church or community have a food pantry or food bank? Why not put your youth group in charge of gathering and taking food to those in need?

Black, White and Gray Life would be so much easier if everything was black and white. Instead, it's filled with a lot of grays.


Promote Great Staff Unity How many times have you seen a ministry or minister destroyed because the members of the church staff could not get along? It seemed like they were always at odds about something.

Meet Their Needs Outside of Class

Occasionally I've been asked to teach and accepted without really wanting to. There have also been times when I've asked others to teach and they did so reluctantly.

Plan Ahead

I have a friend in another state who is constantly frustrated because he has not won the lottery. He buys ticket after ticket month after month with no success.

The Hall of Shame

Marion Jones owned the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in Sydney. A world-class sprinter and long jumper, she won five medals, three were gold and two bronze, in track and field.


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05 :: Youth Ministry Saturday Night



Wow! Thank you for all the wonderful comments about "Youth Ministry Saturday Night."


If you missed the email here's a direct link. Bookmark it…



06 :: China Update



I'm sure you wonder at times. Just what does all this Teen Life subscriptions fees do beside find resources for the site? Well, a lot actually. In another email I'll probably do a full list.


Part of what is done is the support of missionaries. We have a team in China that I just returned from visiting. And you'll be glad to know that no Teen Life money is used for travel, food, etc. 100% of the gifts provided through Teen Life goes directly to the mission work.


I (Paul) just returned from visiting some of our China team. What a GREAT encouragement. There is much more openness to the Lord in China than you would imagine. There is still risk in many places, but the more "modern" areas have a real openness. Many of our team are not having to meet in secret and a few are able to get licensed and have open assemblies.


The time was spent in worship, prayer and equipping. I got to see the real "behind the scenes" side of their cities and the work they are doing.


The Lord has blessed them and many are coming to Him. Please continue to pray for our team in China!!



We thank God for you each day and the work you do. Reaching teens is challenging and rewarding. Keep preaching the word!!!



Paul and Al



P.S. If you received this email as a "forward" you can sign up to receive this newsletter free…



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