Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Youth Ministry

Teen Life Ministries

Youth Ministry MAXimizer


01 :: Godly Goals – Part 2

02 :: Zone Member Update

03 :: Christmas Projects?




01 :: Godly Goals – Part 2



4. Build a Christ-like attitude and spirit into the youth group. "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus," Philippians 2:5. This means more than just asking, "What would Jesus do?"  It calls for a clear-cut lifestyle of surrender.  What is the attitude of Jesus? 


· Attitude of  a Servant (v. 7)


· Attitude of Humility (v. 8)


· Attitude of Obedience (v. 8)


If every teen becomes a servant, how many things will get done?  If every teen becomes humble, how much arguing will take place? If every teen becomes obedient to God, how much better could the youth conventions be?  Of course, developing a Christ-like attitude in your group begins by displaying a Christ-like attitude in your life.


5. Develop quality leadership among the group. Jesus called His followers with, "Follow me."  By the end of His ministry He had trained them to lead. Paul even said, "Imitate me as I imitate Christ" (I Corinthians 11:1). Give your teens the responsibility and let them lead. Dust them off when they fall down and encourage them to keep going.


Here are a few ways you can let teens lead: Devotionals, teaching class, heading up a service project, forming prayer groups, etc.


6. Parental support and participation. Believe it or not, There are some in your congregation who see youth ministry as a divider of parents and their children.  Prevent this by creating a high level of parental involvement.


Have your parents teach for a quarter, host devotionals in their homes, chaperone trips, etc. Check out Group Publishing's 130 Ways to Involve Parents in Your Ministry for more great ideas.



Paul and Al


Forward this issue along to 3 youth ministry friends




02 :: Zone Member Updates



Lesser Known Heroes - Lesson 4  Uriah – What he didn't do.


Youth Ministry - Godly Goals - Part 1  1. Do whatever it takes to get teens to heaven. Paul wrote that he became all things to all people so that some might be saved (II Corinthians 9:19-23).


We All Need Somebody to Lean On I'm not a very good leaner. I prefer to be the lean-ee, the person that others lean on in times of crisis. 


2007 - So Far! As you know, The Zone is updated EVERY Monday, Wednesday and Friday.   Check out what has been added just this year through November!


Lesser Known Heroes Lesson 3 added today. Eleazar - he's really unknown, just ask your teens!!!     Members, download the lesson here.


Close Your Eyes When you close your eyes to rest, meditate, or go to sleep what do you think about? Do you ever think about God?


Dawn 'til Dusk As we close out 2007 we need to look back and see how we as youth workers and our ministries have grown spiritually. We will look at different areas of our lives and ministries and try to pinpoint our growth.



If you are not a member of the zone: http://www.TeenLifeMinistries.com/thezone for details.



03 :: Christmas Projects?



What is your group doing this Christmas when it comes to service projects? If you would like to share your ideas with other youth ministers, just send an email to pevans@teenlifeministries.com with "This Christmas" in the subject line. I will compile the ideas and send them out in an email next Monday. So get yours in now!


Have a BLESSED day!

Paul and Al






Thursday, November 22, 2007

Youth Ministry Thanksgiving

Dear Youth Workers,
Paul and I have so much to be thankful for that it's really hard to know where to begin. We are thankful for our wives, Connie and Marla, who have been tremendous encouragers as we trek through our youth ministry years. We are thankful for our children. Paul has two sons, Sam and Steven. I have one son Lee and his wife Selena and they have my two grandchildren Shealey and Nellie. I have one daughter Joy and her husband Jammie and they have a little one on the way.
We are so thankful that we have been blessed with good health and material blessings. We are thankful that we minister for a church who reaches out to people with all kinds of life's struggles. We are thankful that God has blessed us with a few spiritual gifts with which we try to use to serve Him.
We are thankful that we live in a country where we can worship without fear of being arrested and imprisoned for being a believer.
We are so thankful for Teen Life Ministries and for the many youth workers who have impacted our lives. Thank you so much for your dedication to His cause and for your willingness to reach teens when others give up. Thank you for the many sleepless hours you spend playing games, going on retreats, teaching Bible classes and just hanging out with a group of young people whom often feel as if they are in no-man's land.
We are thankful that we serve a God who is totally consumed with love for us and a Father who listens when we talk to Him. Everyday we "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." Psalm 107:1. We are so thankful that we serve a God who was willing to give His Son to die on a cross so that we can live eternally with Him.
We could write page after page of the things we are thankful for and it would take us hours or even days to get it done. So, what can we do or say to God for all He has showered us with. I think a simple "thank you" is what He wants.
We love and appreciate each of you and pray for you daily.
Keep Praying,
P.S.  A remarkable phone call from a 12-yr old boy to Houston radio station KSBJ FM 89.3. So profound, the station has it  posted on their website. Click below to listen to it. It's short.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Youth Ministry

Teen Life Youth Ministry MAXimizer


01 ::  New Lesson Series: Lesser Known Heroes

02 :: Tips for Promotions

03 :: YouthTube

04 :: Zone Member Updates

05 :: Youth Ministry Saturday Night


06 :: China Update




01 :: New Lesson Series



This week we begin a new lesson series on "Lesser Known Heroes of the Bible." We're using a similar background and title design as the popular television series "Heroes."


Zone members go here to download the first lesson: http://tinyurl.com/27tlkd



02 :: Tips for Promotions


Here are 3 quick ways to promote your events…


1. Shoot a Video. Let's say you need to promote an upcoming mission trip to Guatemala. Video tape a series of adventures using a couple of the teens as the missionaries. Part 1 could be "Pete and Re-Pete: Jungle Vines." Part 2 could be "Pete and Re-Pete in the Hot Seat." Because they are watching their peers it won't take much to make the videos funny and the scripts can be minimal. A four part series, four weeks out from sign up will work wonders.


2. Enormous Banners. Run a banner the length of your room and no one will be able to miss it. They can be made out of butcher paper, cloth, or if you have the money you can get them designed by a company. The last option is by far the most expensive and the most professional. Choose this option if you have the same event each year and you could reuse the banner time and time again. Otherwise a sheet of butcher paper, markers, and paint can't be beat.


3. Count Down Clock. Set the clock in a visible area of your youth room and constantly refer to it as the event nears. These large digital clocks can be used for all events, but using it for one big event a year might be best.



Paul and Al


-Pass this along to 3 of your youth ministry friends.



03 :: YouthTube



Here's the first Youth Group Youth Group Video sent in from KoKomo Youth Group…




Has your group got some YouTube videos? Send them to support@teenlifeministries.com with "YouthTube" in the subject line.



04 :: ZONE Member Update


The complete lesson series for Ruth, Esther, and Powerful Prayer are available in the resources download area…



The new lesson of the week is in the usual location.


New Articles and Games (Zone members you will need to be logged in to read or download the following)…


Food for Families Does your Church or community have a food pantry or food bank? Why not put your youth group in charge of gathering and taking food to those in need?


Black, White and Gray Life would be so much easier if everything was black and white. Instead, it's filled with a lot of grays.



Promote Great Staff Unity How many times have you seen a ministry or minister destroyed because the members of the church staff could not get along? It seemed like they were always at odds about something.


Meet Their Needs Outside of Class

Occasionally I've been asked to teach and accepted without really wanting to. There have also been times when I've asked others to teach and they did so reluctantly.


Plan Ahead

I have a friend in another state who is constantly frustrated because he has not won the lottery. He buys ticket after ticket month after month with no success.


The Hall of Shame

Marion Jones owned the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in Sydney. A world-class sprinter and long jumper, she won five medals, three were gold and two bronze, in track and field.



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05 :: Youth Ministry Saturday Night



Wow! Thank you for all the wonderful comments about "Youth Ministry Saturday Night."


If you missed the email here's a direct link. Bookmark it…





06 :: China Update



I'm sure you wonder at times. Just what does all this Teen Life subscriptions fees do beside find resources for the site? Well, a lot actually. In another email I'll probably do a full list.


Part of what is done is the support of missionaries. We have a team in China that I just returned from visiting. And you'll be glad to know that no Teen Life money is used for travel, food, etc. 100% of the gifts provided through Teen Life goes directly to the mission work.


I (Paul) just returned from visiting some of our China team. What a GREAT encouragement. There is much more openness to the Lord in China than you would imagine. There is still risk in many places, but the more "modern" areas have a real openness. Many of our team are not having to meet in secret and a few are able to get licensed and have open assemblies.


The time was spent in worship, prayer and equipping. I got to see the real "behind the scenes" side of their cities and the work they are doing.


The Lord has blessed them and many are coming to Him. Please continue to pray for our team in China!!



We thank God for you each day and the work you do. Reaching teens is challenging and rewarding. Keep preaching the word!!!



Paul and Al



P.S. If you received this email as a "forward" you can sign up to receive this newsletter free…





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Monday, October 22, 2007

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Teaching Tips


 For more teaching tips go to http://www.teenlifeministries.com/thezone. You can pick up "Amazing Teaching" in the Zone as well.


Never teach a half-prepared lesson. It's not fair to the teens, God or yourself to go into a teaching situation unprepared. Some people are really good at pulling a thought out of their heads and making a great lesson out of it. However, most are not and should not try to be. That doesn't mean you are not a good teacher it simply means you have to prepare more. We've all seen really creative people come up with great lessons and great illustrations. However, they may not be the best presenters. We've seen those who are great presenters but are not very creative at coming up with lesson ideas. Bottom line, let's do the very best we can with the teaching gifts God has given us.
Verse on preparation: "Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever." Daniel 12:3
Ask God to give you the tools you need to become a great teacher. Ask Him for patience and the understanding of what you study.
What are you doing each day to prepare your next lesson?
Do you wait until Saturday night to prepare?
Read over your lesson for next Sunday on Monday. You will be surprised at how many ideas you will come up with during the week.
Ask a person in their 70's or 80's to come in and talk to your teens. Encourage them to tell what they had to struggle with as a teen. Encourage your class to ask questions about the peer pressures they faced 40 or 50 years ago. Be creative and make this a great event.


Your Partners in Youth Ministry,

Paul & Al


Sign up for The Zone!  http://tinyurl.com/223da4


For Members Only: We now have 70  discussion sheets for use in small group.


P.S. Pass this issue of the Youth Ministry MAXimizer along to 3 youth ministry friends.


P.S.S. For previous issues: http://tinyurl.com/3724k8



This Week's Updates for Zone Members

Members: Login to your account for access to this week's updates.


New Lesson series on Prayer. Lesson 6... http://tinyurl.com/2z8btu


Tragedy in Our Youth Group (Oct 19, 2007 at 3:31 AM) - This morning between 3:30 and 4:00am the phones of our church members began ringing off the hooks. Not long after that, my phone rang and it was one of our high school coaches telling me that the mother of one of our sophomore boys was killed in a house fire.

Let's Get Practical (Oct 17, 2007 at 4:00 AM) - Today's D2 is one that is so practical that you might think I don't even need to deal with this. Just hang with us, it may be practical and seem elementary but the areas we will cover are areas that are needed in all youth ministries.

Quiet Time- "Stand" (Oct 12, 2007 at 1:01 PM) - During the season premier of "Survivor-China" each of the game contestants were taken to a Buddhist Temple to participate in a cultural ceremony to welcome them to China.  Before the ceremony they were assured that this was not a worship service and it wasn't intended to conflict with anyone's religious beliefs.  However, once inside the temple they were surrounded by statues of Buddha and parts of the ceremony required bowing down in front of this Chinese god as a way to show respect.  One of the contestants was an outspoken


Praise Preceding Deliverance (Oct 10, 2007 at 3:20 AM) - As I read through the Old Testament, sometimes I am stunned by the Israelites' lack of faith in trusting a God who delivered them time and time again.

Resource Highlight


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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Youth Ministry - Developing Friendships

Developing Friendships Youth Ministry Sudden Impact


Developing Friendships from the "Sudden Impact" section of The Youth Ministry Zone. These are copy and paste devotionals you can email to your teens or handout. For details go to http://www.teenlifeministries.com/thezone There are 49 Sudden Impact available.


When I was in the sixth grade I started a new school. I sat across the isle from a guy who was about twice my size. He was a little over six feet tall and had the biggest arms I had ever seen. He was intimidating just to look at. You would think that at any time he could chew you up and spit you out. As the weeks went by we became close friends. I soon learned that not only did he have a big body but he had an even larger heart. All the way through jr. and sr. high school we were the best of friends. If I was not at his house, he was at mine. One thing I soon learned about this friendship was that it was not just a surface type friendship. It was the kind of friendship that if I needed help at the spur of the moment, he was there. There were times when I wanted us to do something mischievous or get into something that I shouldn't and he would stop me. There were times when I would say something about someone and he would correct me. I soon learned that only a true friend would try to make me a better person.

Proverbs 28:23 says, "Those who correct others will later be liked more than those who give false praise."

1. How do your friends help you in your walk with God?

2. How do you help your friends with their walk with God?

3. How do you determine whether a person is a good friend?

4. How do you choose your friends?

Proverbs 13:20 "Spend time with the wise and you will become wise, but the friends of fools will suffer."

Proverbs 14:7 "Stay away from fools because they can't teach you anything."

I Corinthians 15:33 "Do not be fooled: Bad friends will ruin good habits."

John 14:18 "I will not leave you alone like orphans; I will come back for you."

John 15:12-14 "This is my command: Love each other as I have loved you. The greatest love a person can show is to die for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you."

Today pray that God will give you the strength and wisdom to choose the right friends. Pray that He will put people in your life that will help you get to heaven and also someone you can help get to heaven.

Your Partners in Youth Ministry,

Paul & Al


Sign up for The Zone!  http://tinyurl.com/223da4


For Members Only: We now have 70  discussion sheets for use in small group.


P.S. Pass this issue of the Youth Ministry MAXimizer along to 3 youth ministry friends.


P.S.S. For previous issues: http://tinyurl.com/3724k8



This Week's Updates for Zone Members

Members: Login to your account for access to this week's updates.


New Lesson series on Prayer. Lesson 4... http://tinyurl.com/2z8btu


Praise Preceding Deliverance (Oct 10, 2007 at 3:20 AM) - As I read through the Old Testament, sometimes I am stunned by the Israelites' lack of faith in trusting a God who delivered them time and time again.

Rake and Run for Fun (Oct 5, 2007 at 3:24 AM) - This outreach idea is as old as the trees in your grandma's yard. However, some ideas are worth keeping around for a while. The leaves are beginning to fall and that could mean fun times for youth groups.


Growing up Without Selling Out : The Professionalization of Youth Ministry (Sep 28, 2007 at 2:33 PM) - My brother and his wife spend most of their waking hours thinking about drag racing. Their whole lives revolve around race cars: they build them, race them, rebuild them, and race them again.

Identity (Sep 26, 2007 at 2:15 AM) - Have you ever been mistaken for someone else? Perhaps you've been told that you remind someone of their close friend- that you have an uncanny resemblance.

Resource Highlight


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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Youth Ministry Retreats

Picking a Youth Retreat Location


Here are 10 ways to choose a retreat center...


1. Settle on a Purpose. Your purpose will decide what type of facility will work best. A youth group wanting a fun weekend together may put a high priority on recreational facilities. Perhaps you want to work in some sightseeing into the weekend, then you might want to select an area that is close to the attractions you would like to visit.


2. Length of Stay. Consider the advantages of a second night at a facility to provide more time for group interaction. Veteran retreat planners have discovered that the second night goes a long way in creating a valuable community experience. Factor in travel time as well. You may be planning a three-day retreat, but if it takes a day to get there then you really have only one day to work with.


3. Reserve Early. The best dates and nicest facilities get booked first. Consider reserving a facility six months to a year before you want to have a retreat. If you are pleased with the facility and service, you might want to make your reservation for the following year before your retreat is over.


4. Decide on a Price Range. It is wise to go with what the majority of your group is willing to spend. Consider offering financial assistance to those needing help. Or you can charge your group a little less than the actual cost and ask several people who can afford it to help make up the difference.


5. Get Organized. Before you call a facility, do your planning. Decide what type of accommodations you want (motel, dorms or cabins), what type of meal service, quality of menu--tuna surprise or Chicken Kiev; how large your group will be, what kind of meeting space you'll need, when you plan to arrive and depart, and if you mind sharing a facility with other groups.


6. Have a "Plan B". Have several options on dates that would work for your group. Locking yourself in to a specific date without options will set you up for disappointment if the center is not available at that particular time. Confirm dates for a facility before you confirm dates with a speaker!


7. Compare. When comparing prices between retreat facilities, make sure you ask what is and is not included in the basic fee, such as coffee breaks, audio/visual equipment and recreational equipment. Talk to other groups and find out where they have received the best service. Make a visit to a potential site. Talking in person with a representative at the facility and seeing the buildings and grounds will answer a lot of questions. When you compare facilities, don't let cost be the primary factor--ask yourself which facility and staff will help your group best achieve its retreat program goals.


8. Get it in Writing. You will want to have a written contract signed by your group representative and by the retreat facility's representative describing the agreement between the group and the conference center [camp]. Usually a nonrefundable deposit (10-15% of the minimum fee) will be required. Be sure that the minimum number of participants and the corresponding minimum fee are reasonably attainable. You may be required to make up the difference if you miss your minimum. Ask if there are additional cancellation charges.


9. Evaluate. Check out the staff's attitude toward service and hospitality as well as their philosophy. Ask others who have been there. Will a host be available to answer your questions and take care of needs during the retreat?


10. Do Your Homework. Know what you and your group want and ask lots of questions. Pre-retreat communication pays off. Keep notes and names of those you talked with for all your phone conversations, and make sure all agreements and arrangements are made in writing. Frequent and detailed pre-retreat communication will improve your chances of getting the level of service that is so important in making your retreat experience a positive one.


Your Partners in Youth Ministry,

Paul & Al


Sign up for The Zone!  http://tinyurl.com/223da4


For Members Only: We now have 49 Sudden Impact session to use in your youth ministry.


P.S. Pass this issue of the Youth Ministry MAXimizer along to 3 youth ministry friends.


P.S.S. For previous issues: http://tinyurl.com/3724k8



This Week's Updates for Zone Members

Members: Login to your account for access to this week's updates.


New Lesson series on Prayer. Lesson 1... http://tinyurl.com/2z8btu


Use Your Tongue Wisely (Sep 19, 2007 at 2:18 AM) - It usually takes a pretty long time for you to build a good reputation. People don't say good things about you just because they think it's the right thing to do.

Simple Guidelines for Discipleship (Sep 14, 2007 at 3:04 AM) - We, as youth ministers, are constantly trying to get our teens to disciple others.

Teaching Tip (Sep 12, 2007 at 2:28 AM) - Encourage your students to......


Hitting the Wall (Sep 7, 2007 at 2:51 AM) - Cut, paste, and send this to your teens or use it as an "Attention Getter" in a class or devo.

Serving Those Who Serve (Sep 5, 2007 at 2:26 AM) - THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Parenting Tips (Aug 31, 2007 at 2:17 AM) - As youth ministers we are constantly faced with parents who struggle with their teens. Use the following article written by Lori Cooper as a guide to help the parents in your church. You might use it to teach a parenting class or copy it and hand it to the parents.

Ten Youth Ministry "Don't Forgets" (Aug 29, 2007 at 2:36 AM) - Ten of many youth ministry "Don't Forgets."



Resource Highlight


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Monday, September 10, 2007

Youth Ministry Creative Emails

Creative Emails for Youth Ministry!


Here are three ways to use email creatively...


1. Half a message.  Who can't send an entire message? Try sending only half the message. In order for the full message to be received have group members respond with a favorite verse or the name of a friend they are inviting to church. End your half message with a teaser that will make them want to respond.


2. Prayer Tree. Send an email to one teen with your name at the top and your prayer requests. The person who receives it is to add their name under yours with their requests. They in turn send it to another youth group member who does the same. When the last person with email receives the list they add their name then return it to you. Then you can print it out for meetings or send it to the entire group as a mass email.


3. Guess Who. Have your group members turn in a description of themselves to you. Once a week send one out to the group without the person's name. Offer a prize for those who get it right—like getting to sit next to you during church services!


Your Partners in Youth Ministry,

Paul & Al


Sign up for The Zone!  http://tinyurl.com/223da4


For Members Only: We now have 25 Quiet Time activities to enhance your youth ministry.


P.S. Pass this issue of the Monday MAXimizer along to 3 youth ministry friends.


P.S.S. For previous issues: http://tinyurl.com/3724k8



This Week's Updates for Zone Members

Members: Login to your account for access to this week's updates.


New Lesson on Temptation... http://tinyurl.com/2z8btu


Hitting the Wall (Sep 7, 2007 at 2:51 AM) - Cut, paste, and send this to your teens or use it as an "Attention Getter" in a class or devo.

Serving Those Who Serve (Sep 5, 2007 at 2:26 AM) - THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Parenting Tips (Aug 31, 2007 at 2:17 AM) - As youth ministers we are constantly faced with parents who struggle with their teens. Use the following article written by Lori Cooper as a guide to help the parents in your church. You might use it to teach a parenting class or copy it and hand it to the parents.

Ten Youth Ministry "Don't Forgets" (Aug 29, 2007 at 2:36 AM) - Ten of many youth ministry "Don't Forgets."



Resource Highlight


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Monday, August 27, 2007

Youth Ministry

Successful Youth Ministry - Part 9


P's of a Successful Youth Ministry.  Each week for 10 weeks we'll cover another "P".


10. Praise. "Therefore let us offer continually to God the sacrifice of praise, the fruit of our lips giving praise to His name" (Hebrews 13:15).


Let God's praises ring through your group.


Praise God through singing and sharing. Lift Him up with words of adoration and thanksgiving.


Give Him the glory and honor for every blessing.


If we're breathing, we should be praising (Psalm 150:6).


During one of your class or devotional times this week ask your group to share...

  • How the Lord has blessed them.

  • Specific ways they have seen the Lord work.

  • How they have seen the Lord's glory.

  • Things they want to thank the Lord for.

When we give God "the fruit of our lips" it also give us the chance to say out loud what we have felt inside our hearts.


Your Partners in Youth Ministry,

Paul & Al


Sign up for The Zone!  http://tinyurl.com/223da4


P.S. Pass this issue of the Monday MAXimizer along to 3 youth ministry friends.


P.S.S. For previous issues: http://tinyurl.com/3724k8



This Week's Updates for Zone Members

Members: Login to your account for access to this week's updates.


Esther Lesson 8... http://tinyurl.com/2z8btu


Daily Bible Readings (Aug 24, 2007 at 2:09 AM) - September Daily Bible Readings. Get these scripture into the hands of your teens.

Twenty-one Days to an Improved Youth Ministry (Aug 22, 2007 at 1:06 PM) - We all need to stop periodically and exam our ministries. These points are just guides to get us started.

Summer Success (Aug 22, 2007 at 12:46 PM) - Here are some unedited responses to our... "Summer Success" email.



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